Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Exam Preparation Tips For Students

DAOA(Design and Analysis of Algorithm) Most Important Topics

  • Sorting algorithms (Quick Sort, Insertion sort, Merge Sort, Selection Sort, Bucket Sort) and their time complexity.
    Time Complexity(Best Case, Average Case, Worst Case ) and space complexity.
  • Asymptomatic Notation(Big-oh, Omaga, Theta).
  • Solving Recursion:
    Recursion Tree Method, Substitution Method, Master Method(must part of paper and must prepare).
  • Tree:
    BST(pre- Order, In- order, post-order)
  • Prims and kruskal algorithm
  • AVL Tree, Heap(Min Heap, Max Heap)
  • Graphs:
    DFS and BFS
  • Shortest Path algorithm (Dijikstra’s Algorithm, Bellman ford etc)
  • Graph representation (Adjancy Matrix, Adjancy List)
  • Difference b/w Greedy algorithm and dynamic programing with examples
  • Dynamic Programing problem solving (Matrix chain Multiplication, 0/1 Knapsack problem )
  • P, NP, NP-Complete, NP-Hard problem in computer science with examples (most important)
  • All the best of your DAOA paper.