Unsolved Past Papers

Unsolved Past Paper 2023

Solved Past Papers


Exam Preparation Tips For Students

  • Important Topics Operatiing system and its types and functions.

  • System call and kernal CPU Scheduling Algorithm (FCFS, SJF,Priority and Round Robin).

  • Deadloack its situation/conditions, Deadloack Recovery, Deadloack Avoidance, Thrashing, Safe state and unsafe state.

  • Process its states, PCB, Context Switch, Process Creation, semaphore.

  • Multi-threading and its advantage, Model’s of Multi-threading, Threads and its types(User level thread, kernal level thread).

  • Schdular and Dispatcher.

  • Virtual Memory, Paging and its algorithm, page fault, rolback starvation.

  • Logical address and virtual address (Numerical).

  • Demonstration of System Calls Using Code